It is very important that properties are correctly and accurately researched as the first step in any project. This will involve a Planning Property Search to identify the zoning of the property and relevant planning overlays. Council is always contacted directly at this stage to provide initial feedback regarding the proposed project. When the relevant information has been received, UDB can provide you with a scope of works, schedule of fees and time frames.
Prior to outlaying money for external services such as surveying, UDB will conduct a brief site measure up noting site features and possible restrictions on the site. We will site the house on the property and locate features such as trees, crossover locations etc.
Concept floor plans will then be done to ensure to the site is big enough to accommodate your preferred project. UDB will work with you on the layouts to achieve the desired floor plans and elevations. We will then show these sketches to Council for their feedback (for town planning applications only).
At this stage, we will organise the land to be surveyed. We will obtain relevant storm water and sewer discharge points.
(If no town planning is required, the project will be ready for working drawings, skip to step no. 7)
The town planning drawings will be fully completed. When you’re happy with the final drawings, we’ll lodge them at Council and manage the application through Council. All correspondence will be between UDB and the Council.
When the TP permit is received, UDB will make any condition changes to the drawings and re-lodge for Council endorsement. When the endorsed drawings are received from Council, the project will then be ready for working drawings.
If you have a town planning permit & relevant drawings done by others, UDB can complete the working drawings and organise all documentation for a building permit.
The working drawings will then be done to a preliminary stage. At this point we will organise external services including the soil report, wind assessment, BAL rating, engineering and energy rating report.
When these items have been received, the working drawings will be completed. All documentation will be ready for a building permit.
Should you wish UDB to provide a quote for building your new home, proceed to building process.